Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy (belated) snow day

This little guy awaited me when I walked into work yesterday:

Someone took the time during the crap weather to make a little snow dude on top of a trash can beside the VeeP building. That's a little soda bottle cap for a hat he's got there and berries from a nearby tree for eyes. That warmed my heart a bit, even if the weather sucked and I was sick enough that I didn't even make it through the whole work day before I had to go home and crash on my futon. Still, the little snow dude made it all worthwhile. It's the little things.
Incidentally - on a cold, crap day, Trader Joes "Organic" Ruby Red Chai tea is magically delicious, even though it involves my new pet peeve word - "organic". Dunno why, but that word just gets on my nerves lately. Like it so effin matters that your teabag is organic.
- v -

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