I had a ceiling critter once before, and I called the exterminator to come deal with it, which turned out to be a huge mistake, so I’m not going that route again. Basically, he set a poison trap in the ceiling. A few days later (mid-sweltering-summer), I came home to the unmistakable “something died” smell. Ugh. I called the exterminators to tell them the critter was dead and they could come get it now, and they said “Well, we don’t come get it once it’s dead.” Huh? Turns out, the poison is supposed to make the critter thirsty, and when it leaves the house to look for water, it dies outside the house and becomes the problem of whoever’s yard it dies in. There is no backup plan for critters that fail to leave the house looking for water.
I had decided to live in peace with the current Ceiling Critter, since he stayed in the ceiling and I stayed out of it, but last night I came to a horrifying realization: there is a hole in the ceiling of the closet in my bedroom! There has been nothing stopping Ceiling Critter from coming down into my room while I sleep! Who knows if he already has! Ick! I have that closet locked up for now, which means I can’t get to half my shoes or my laundry hamper, but I have got to get that hole boarded up. Ceiling Critter must not be allowed to become "Omigod, There's A Critter In My Room!" Critter.
Of course, if anyone has Ceiling Critter removal suggestions, I’m open.
Ceiling Critter and Ceiling Cat are probably not one and the same.
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1 comment:
Let me be the one to tell you that ceiling critter = mamma racoon. She comes around every winter. She used to be on top of the roof of the house when I would come home from work - she'd see me, then jump down on to the AC unit and watch me cook dinner through the kitchen window. One time I opened the front door (right around Christmas time) and she was SITTING on the glider I used to have on the front porch. She was quite comfortable there, and I'm sure that's what it is this time too. She doesn't seem to be aggressive or rabid, so I would just leave her alone. But you do want to have that whole patched, cause at some point mamma racoon's gonna need some grub for her babies....
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