Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's. Just. The. Glasses.


Thanks to Brian for the link - should I do this?

It's tempting, since I've been getting "You look like Sarah Palin" for weeks now (except for one lone soul who told me I look like Tina Fey; same thing I think), but I really don't want to go as her for Halloween. I've got a weird, reverse Clark Kent thing going on -- as long as I don't wear my glasses, no one notices me. The second I put on those glasses, everyone thinks I'm a dead ringer for the possible VeeP-to-be. So should I try to capitalize on that and enter this contest? Any ideas for what a "Sexy Sarah" photo would look like?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugh. please, no more sarah palin prods. just let tina fey have it. please....it has really gotten overwhelming and over played. This is when I know the election season should soon be over - when I'm actually tired of making fun of the candidates.