At dinner last night, my mom, while agreeing that $150,000 (in 2 months!) for Sarah Palin's wardrobe was a bit much, also said that Michelle Obama could stand to step it up a bit on the fashion. Basically, she says, Michelle needs a stylist. Apparently my mom does not think J.Crew is suitable first-lady attire. What do you think? Here are some examples, both hits and misses in my view, of the possible first lady-elect:
This one kind of started the conversation -- this is the infamous J. Crew getup (which J. Crew is now advertising heavily as what M.O. wore on Leno). It's not necessarily something I would wear, but I don't think it's bad by any stretch. Of course, someone at the show might have helped her put together that ensemble; let's see how she does when left to her own devices:
It's worth noting that last black and white dress also sparked the maker (White House Black Market) to market it as the "Michelle Obama" dress. So girl does alright for herself, fashion-wise. It's no $150,000 Bloomingdales wardrobe perhaps, but since the Obamas are (ironically) the ones being accused of being elitist and out of touch with Main Street, maybe that's a really, really good thing.
Any thoughts / critiques / suggestions for M.O.?
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