Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where I work

Rachel (or, as you may know her, Ladypug or Killer) posted a "work meme" a while back. The idea is just to show where you work I guess. So, here we go into the abyss:

It's sort of . . . gray. And dark. Actually, it's only dark in the area where I actually work. Let's look closer, shall we?

Okay, from this angle there's a little more color going on, mostly in the form of sticky notes. I likes the sticky notes. There's also some photos: me and some friends at the mud run a few years back, Clementine, me, Mary and Cori modeling fake hair and faker mustaches, and an autographed photo of AFI, without which no work could be done. This also serves to confirm that I am as messy at work as I am at home. On the other side of cube, sweet cube:

. . . my purse, in it's usual state of full-to-overflowing, a jacket (the Link world headquarters is perpetually freezing; we double as a cryogenics lab), and one of those myst balls in the very back there. See it? It sort of looks like a crystal ball. If I filled the bottom part with water and turned it on, steam would come out of it, and different colored lights would illuminate the ball. Oooooh.

So that's about it. Not exactly the corner office, but I get stuff done. Like posting this blog.

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